
Welcome to the online donation system for Our Lady of Peace!

Here you can arrange to make a one-time donation or recurring donations. You can make your donation as a registered member (recommended for parishioners) or as a guest. If you donate as a guest your donation will be kept anonymous unless you request otherwise. Donations to Our Lady of Peace are tax-deductible, and are used to fund church operations and activities, as well as our numerous charitable ministries such as religious education and assistance to those in need. Click the button below to donate now.

donate button

NEW! You can view a brief video tutorial for online giving here: Giving Help Desk.


The first time you visit the e-giving page (by clicking the DONATE NOW button above) you can register with the system. This is recommended for members of the parish to make regular giving easier. However, to make an anonymous donation you can choose "guest transaction."

Once you have registered, on future visits you can log-in to make a donation, make changes to existing scheduled donations, view your donation history, and so on.

The e-giving system makes maintaining the financial health of the church easier for everyone: easier for parishioners to donate, and easier for ministers to track, record, and deposit donated funds. Please let us know what you think of the new system by using the contact form.